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K3 class

K3 class

Children between the ages of five and six have good learning ability, and their development in language, self-care, socialization, and size and muscles are becoming more mature. Therefore, we study in the form of design activities, and we will take the child as the leading factor and discuss with them. The content and direction of learning, so that children can master the skills of learning and develop independent and multi-directional thinking skills.

Establish a child’s multi-dimensional learning ability

Children regularly discuss different topics, learn to listen, analyze, and accept the opinions of others, and in-depth discussion and comparison of relevant knowledge in the process of discussion, in order to build the learning ability of children to observe and think.

Establish a child’s ability to solve problems

In the course of activities, children will encounter many difficulties, find different problems, and face success and failure. Therefore, they will learn how to collect information, share and conceive solutions to problems, and learn to be unsatisfied in their success. In the failure to establish a learning attitude that does not give up.


Build a child’s creative thinking ability

We will create a learning environment with our children, let them build their own classrooms, link learning and creation, consolidate what they have learned, and use different techniques to demonstrate their learning outcomes, thereby building confidence and success.


Establish children’s language learning ability

Through a rich language learning environment, children can spontaneously read books and write texts, making them a part of children’s learning and life, expressing their ideas through words, turning personal imaginations and ideas into words, and learning sentence structure from them. , sentence creation, etc., thus laying a good language ability, ready for progression to primary school.